Kategorie: Erkrankung
Blumenkohl, Brokkoli und Grünkohl: Blutdruck-Senker und Herz-Freunde
Kochsalzhaltige Nasentropfen verkürzen Erkältungsdauer bei Kleinkindern
Viele Menschen mit Apfelallergie können alte Apfelsorten ohne Probleme essen
Chip Daraus: Darüber hinaus zeigen die Studien, dass Allergiker, die regelmäßig die verträglichen Sorten zu sich nehmen, weniger Heuschnupfenprobleme haben.
Opioid receptor modulator activity: baicalein has shown the most potent and competitive antagonistic activity at 20 mg/kg dose in vivo experiments
PubMed Baicalein (aus Scutellaria baicalensis)
Pumpkin Seed in Cancer Prevention
Springer Daraus: PS oil and PS extract provide potential therapeutic advantages against several diseases, including anticancer, antihypertensive, antibacterial, protective, antidiabetic, immunomodulatory, and antihyperlipidemic activities.
Studie: Antihistaminika der ersten Generation könnten bei Kleinkindern epileptische Anfälle auslösen
Demenzpatienten mit Depressionen profitieren laut Metaanalyse nicht von Antidepressiva
Meat consumption and incident type 2 diabetes
The Lancet
Osteoporosis treatment: current drugs and future developments
PMC Table 3 Table 4
To combat prostate cancer, ginger-based herbal remedies are recommended as a viable and secure method
ScienceDirect Bio Ingwer-Extrakt Kapseln
Anti-HIV activity in traditional Chinese medicine: clinical implications of monomeric herbal remedies and compound decoctions
PMC Figure 1
Preliminary study shows potential of Manuka honey as a nutraceutical for breast cancer
Science Daily Bio Manuka Honig
Natural products as treatment and prevention for gastric cancer.
ScienceDirect Image Atractylodis macrocephalae rhizoma Berberin
Gypenoside inhibits gastric cancer proliferation
Nature Daraus: Gyp has garnered significant attention in recent years for its demonstrated anti-tumor potential in lung, colorectal, and esophageal cancer cells. Bio Jiaogulan Extrakt Kapseln
Blueberry extract for the treatment of ischaemic stroke through regulating the gut microbiota and kynurenine metabolism
Wiley Medox
Ecklonia cava Polyphenols Have a Preventive Effect on Parkinson’s Disease
Gassen kritisiert Umgang mit Ungeimpften während der Pandemie
Ärzteblatt Daraus: Im Zentrum der Debatte stand unter anderem die Aussage des ehemaligen Bundesgesundheitsministers Jens Spahn (CDU) von einer „Pandemie der Ungeimpften“. die Aussage, wer nicht geimpft sei, trage Schuld an Ansteckungen und Todesfällen anderer, sei „nicht gedeckt“.
Potential of Sorghum Seeds in Alleviating Hyperglycemia, Oxidative Stress, and Glycation Damage
MDPI Siehe auch: naturundgeist
Sauerkirschsaft als Einschlafhilfe
Chip RABENHORST Sauerkirsche Muttersaft BIO
Wolfgang Kubicki fordert persönliche Konsequenzen von Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (SPD)
Ärzteblatt Daraus: Nach Ansicht Kubickis zeigen die veröffentlichten Dokumente eine Einflussnahme des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums (BMG) auf die RKI-Strategie etwa mit Blick auf die Coronarisikobewertung. Das RKI habe auf Drängen des BMG den öffentlichen Pandemiedruck künstlich hochgehalten, schreibt der FDP-Politiker und stellt das in Zusammenhang mit der geplanten Coronaimpfpflicht, die 2022 im Bundestag dann aber keine Mehrheit…
Keine vorbeugende Antibiotikagabe bei Zeckenstich
Xanthohumol may be a candidate drug molecule for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
PMC Xanthohumol
Deciphering the multi-target therapeutic capabilities of Ocimum tenuiflorum Linn. Compounds against systemic lupus erythematosus and inflammatory bowel disease
Natural Product Research Daraus: In conclusion, these investigations provide new insight for further study of O. tenuiflorum towards the management of SLE and IBD. Tulsi
Wirksamkeit von Cranberrysaft gegen Blasenentzündung in Review bestätigt
Ärzteblatt Daraus: Menschen mit erhöhtem Risiko für Harnwegsinfektionen, die Cranberrysaft trinken, haben eine um 54 % geringere Wahrscheinlichkeit, eine Blasenentzündung zu bekommen als diejenigen, die keine Behandlung erhalten. Zu möglichen Schäden durch Oxalsäure: While it is difficult to increase oxalate intake substantially with cranberry juice (which contains 1.89 mg oxalate/30 ml juice), cranberry concentrate tablets may…
Magnesium bessert Sauerstoffversorgung bei COVID-19
Promising role of NRICM101 in the management of epilepsy
ScienceDirect Daraus: “In the present study, the chemical fingerprint of NRICM101 revealed that flavonoids were the major components, particularly baicalin” “In addition, baicalin and baicalein have been shown to produce antiepileptic effects by inhibiting oxidative stress and the inflammatory response” “Thus, the anticonvulsant effect observed in the present study may be explained by the presence…
Fisetin may serve as a promising therapeutic for Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Wiley Fisetin 500 Fisetin-50
Herbal and Natural Supplements for Improving Sleep: A Literature Review
Review Artikel pdf
Blocking the progression of chronic atrophic gastritis to gastric cancer by Xianglian Huazhuo formula
PubMed Siehe auch: ScienceDirect Table 1 Table 3
Emerging Roles of Natural Compounds in Osteoporosis: Regulation, Molecular Mechanisms and Bone Regeneration
mdpi Siehe Table 1 Drynariae Rhizoma
Neuroprotective properties of the Lilium brownii extracts in the experimental model of Parkinson’s disease
PubMed Daraus: Its bulbs are commonly used to treat neurological disorders like depression, insomnia, and Parkinson’s disease (PD) Lilienzwiebel
Ingwer als natürliches wirksames Mittel gegen Migränekopfschmerzen
Heilpraxis psjd Ingwer Extrakt
Estimated effects of reductions in processed meat consumption and unprocessed red meat consumption on occurrences of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, colorectal cancer, and mortality in the USA
The Lancet Ärzteblatt
Exploring the synergistic effects of Chuanxiong rhizoma and Cyperi rhizoma in eliciting a rapid anti-migraine action
ScienceDirect Chuan Xiong Cyperi Rhizoma (mit Essig präpariert) Siehe auch: Systematic review of ethnomedicine, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of Cyperi Rhizoma Daraus: Modern pharmacological studies have shown that CR has analgesic antipyretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and its effective component is total saponins. The contents of total saponins and r-cyperone in CR were significantly increased after…
Over-the-counter products for depression, anxiety and insomnia in older people
BMC Table 4
The water fraction of mulberry (Morus alba Linn.) leaf exhibited the most potent anti-SARS-CoV-2 efficacy with low cytotoxicity profile
BMC Maulbeer Extrakt
Analgesic effect of apricot kernel oil on neuropathic pain
ScienceDirect Darüber hinaus: Apricot kernel oil also has several pharmacological effects, such as anti-cancer [13], cardio-protective [14], and gastro-protective [15]. Aprikosenkernöl bio
Quest for malaria management using natural remedies
PMC Table 3 Cryptolepis sanguinolenta
Ginger supplements might provide an alternative or most probably a complementary therapeutic approach to treat various inflammatory and autoimmune disorders
PMC Gingerin Plus
Effect of Crocus sativus Extract Supplementation in the Metabolic Control of People with Diabetes Mellitus Type 1
Nutrients Daraus: These findings suggest that the incorporation of saffron extract into the treatment plan of people with DMT-1 could provide additional benefits to standard treatment, enhancing and improving overall metabolic health that is essential to these individuals.
Antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory potential of Moringa seed and Moringa seed oil
Wiley Table 2 Moringa Samen Moringasamenextrakt bio Moringa Öl bio
Karotten können Ihr Krebsrisiko senken
t-online Verantwortlich ist ein anderer Inhaltsstoff als gedacht. Siehe dazu auch Cordis Es geht also um rohe Karotten.
Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Different Ratios and Preparations of Angelica Sinensis and Chuanxiong Rhizoma Extracts
Chinese herbal medicine for diabetes mellitus
Therapeutic potential of Astragalus Mongholicus (AM, huáng qí) and Largehead Atractylodes (LA, bái zhú) in mitigating the onset and progression of knee osteoarthritis
Herbal Medicine in Children and Adults With Atopic Dermatitis
PubMed Daraus: a combination of aloe vera and olive oil were found to have evidence of efficacy in the local treatment of atopic dermatitis Aloe vera Gel mit etwas Olivenöl mischen.
Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes versicolor): An Edible Macrofungi with Immense Medicinal Properties
ScienceDirect Coriolus
Advances of traditional Chinese medicine preclinical mechanisms and clinical studies on diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Pharmaceutical Biology Siehe dort insbesondere Table 1
The flavonoids from the fruits of Psoralea corylifolia and their potential in inhibiting metastasis of human non-small cell lung cancers
ScienceDirect Psoraleae fructus Siehe dazu: PubMed
Astragaloside IV in the management of prostate cancer
ScienceDirect Astragalus Extrakt